Intervju med Richelle Mead

MTVs Hollywood Crush intervjuade Richelle om Bloodlines. Det hon pratar om är tills mesta del om Adrian.
Stora spoilers om man inte har läst Last Sacrifice!

When we first broke the news that Richelle Mead was writing a "Vampire Academy" spin-off series called "Bloodlines," she was a little bit vague about which of her beloved vampires and half vampires would star in the new books. With good reason! After all, if you haven't yet read "Last Sacrifice," the conclusion of the adventures of vampire-bodyguard/murder suspect Rose Hathaway and her teacher/lover/mortal enemy Dimitri, you wouldn't really want to know who survives to see another series. So, yeah, SPOILER ALERT.

Though we eventually learned that the series would focus on human alchemist Sydney and Moroi vampire Jill's fish-out-of-water experience at a California boarding school, many readers were persistent in asking: Is Adrian in the book? And will he get a new love interest after being dumped by Rose?

"I felt a little bad about the mystery at first," Richelle told Hollywood Crush earlier this month. But now that she's being open about Adrian's inclusion, she's happy to please fans of the charming Moroi playboy. "They liked the ending of 'Last Sacrifice,' but everyone felt really bad for Adrian. It's like his second shot at happiness, we hope."

Not that a happy ending for him will be easy to come by. "Oh, there's all sorts of romantic entanglements, as usual—people who love people who don't love them; the usual epic tragic things standing in the way of love," Mead teased. "When we run into Adrian initially in 'Bloodlines,' he's still hurting a little over the end of the last book. He's his usual flippant self, you know; he's not staying in a room wearing black. He's not that depressed, but you can tell through all the witty quips that there's still a little pain there. He's got a little healing to do."

Adding the witty vampire to the spin-off wasn't just something she did for the fans, she admitted. "I'm often asked, 'Which character do you like the most?' And that's a different answer from, 'Who do you like to write the most?' And [Adrian's] the one I like to write the most," she said. "Some days, I wish I didn't have to deal with plot. I wish I could just have witty dialogue for a whole book and that's it. And that's what he is. Every scene, no matter how tragic or happy, he's always rolling there with his one-liners. It's a lot of fun to write."

Well, since she brought it up...if she were Rose, would she have chosen easygoing-and-funny Adrian or dark-and-mysterious Dimitri? "I don't think I'd like to choose either of them!" laughed Richelle, who's expecting her first child at the end of August, around the same time "Bloodlines" hits shelves. "I married a software engineer with health benefits. That's my kind of guy. As exciting as Dimitri and Adrian are, I'm not sure they're ready for the suburban lifestyle I demand."


Update om VA-bloggen !

Vill bara meddela er som väntar på VA-bloggen att jag kommer att börja göra om designen nu i helgen (hela designen försvann ju, läs det inlägget här) och att efter det är klart kommer jag att lägga upp adressen direkt här på bloggen!
Tack för att ni väntar.

"Roza. Roza. Open your eyes."
Bjuder på en liten fan-made Vampire Academy bild.

Bloodlines recension

Ett fan har redan fått läsa Bloodlines och nu har hon skrivit en recension. Den kan innehålla spoilers!

I never finished the Vampire Academy books.
Hell, I'm not even sure if I finished the first one, to be perfectly honest.I picked it up during the beginning of the vampire craze, and got so bored with vampires so fast I don't think I ever picked it back up. That being said, there is a big chance that I've both missed a lot of the nuances in this book that referenced the other series and spoiled the VA series for myself entirely. But after finishing Bloodlines, I can honestly say I'm okay with that.

Läs resten HÄR.

VA: A Graphic Novel - Mason & Rose

Det har kommit en ny bid på Mason och Rose från Vampire Academy: A Graphic Novel, enjoy! :D

Tycker att bilden är riktigt gullig! ♥

Fanmade Vampire Academy trailer

Jag kanske har lagt upp den här fanmade trailern förut (fast jag tror inte det), men i sådana fall kanske det inte gör något för den är riktigt bra!

Någon annan än jag som längtar tills filmen kommer?

VA: A Graphic Novel

Nu blir det mycket om Vampire Academy: A Graphic Novel, men det kanske inte gör något?
I alla fall, här har ni nya bilder på karaktärerna från Vampire Academy: A Graphic Novel!

Högst upp från vänster:
Christian, Lissa, Dimitri
Längst ner från vänster:
Mason, Mia, Rose
(Klicka på bilden för att komma till källan)

Ny bild från VA: A Graphic Novel + Bloodlines #2

Det har kommit en ny bild från Vampire Academy Graphic Novel.

Sedan så har Richelle Mead avslöjat vad den andra boken ur bokserien Bloodlines kommer att heta, och den kommer att heta ... *trumvirvel* The Golden Lily och kommer våren 2012. För att läsa Richelles blogg inlägg om Bloodlines KLICKA HÄR

50 ord från Bloodlines

Vem tror ni säger det? :)

VA Graphic Novel

Richelle twittrade det här:

Och här har ni bilden:

Wow! Det här ser ju grymt bra ut, eller vad tycker ni? :)

Rose och Dimitri short-story update !

Nu har Richelle bekräftat via hennes twitter att berättelsen om Rose och Dimitri (när de åker till Ryssland) kommer 2012 :D

Fan om Bloodlines

Någon annan som är avundsjuk!? :P

1:a kapitlet av Bloodlines + VA nyheter

Här har ni videon med Richelle när hoon läser det första kapitlet ur Bloodlines :) Självklart innehåller det spoiler!

Andra nyheter om VA och Bloodlines:
a.       Yes, Adrian is heartbroken. *Jen starts crying and grabs a box of Milk Duds to feel better*
b.      We will learn just what Abe has over Sydney to make her so willing to work with him
c.       Unknown number of books in the series at this point.  Maybe 4.  Maybe 6.
d.      We will see some interactions with Rose.  No, there won’t be a Rose/Dimitri subplot.

a.       Remember that Rose/Dimitri short story about a visit to Russia?  It’s done!  Look for it in an anthology in 2012.
b.      No new movie news to report.

Det här var väl bara för bra eller hur!? :D

Vampire Academy

Det är några stycken som har önskat att jag ska berätta lite om VA (Vampire Academy) så då tänkte jag ta och göra det! Här har ni beskrivningen till den första boken:

Intriger och svartsjuka bland vampyrer på high school

Livet på high school med vanliga ingredienser som skvaller, intriger, svartsjuka, förälskelser och passioner. Samtidigt en berättelse om kamp på liv och död, om dolda faror och dödliga svek.

Efter två år på rymmen är Rose och Lissa tillbaka på S:t Vladimirs Academy ? en något ovanlig skola för unga vampyrer och halvvampyrer. Nu ska de fortsätta sin utbildning.
   Lissa är moroi, en dödlig vampyr med goda magiska krafter som hon måste lära sig att hantera. Rose är dhampir, en halvvampyr, och hon måste fortsätta sin träning för att kunna bli beskyddare, en sorts livvakt med uppgift att försvara moroi till varje pris. 
   Om Rose får som hon vill kommer hon att få skydda en speciell moroi efter sin examen. Nämligen Lissa.

Ni kan "provläsa" boken på cdon eller så kan ni klicka HÄR för att "provläsa" de två första kapitlerna! Vill verkligen tipsa om att läsa Vampire Academy serien den är grymt bra! 

Den svenska framsidan av boken!

VA Ultimate Guide Update

En liten update om VA-guiden:

Låter bra, inte sant? :)

Beskrivningen för Bloodlines !

Nu har äntligen beskrivningen kommit för Bloodlines, verkar riktigt bra tycker jag! :D


Sydney is an alchemist, one of a group of humans who dabble in magic and serve to bridge the worlds of human and vampires. They protect vampire secrets – and human lives. When Sydney is torn from her bed in the middle of the night, at first she thinks she’s still being punished for her complicated alliance with dhampir Rose Hathaway. But what unfolds is far worse. Jill Dragomir – the sister of Moroi Queen Lissa Dragomir – is in mortal danger, and the Moroi must send her into hiding.

To avoid a civil war, Sydney is called upon to act as Jill’s guardian and protector, posing as her roommate in the last place anyone would think to look for vampire royalty – a human boarding school in Palm Springs, California. But instead of finding safety at Amberwood Prep, Sydney discovers the drama is only just beginning.

Bloodlines explores all the friendship, romance, battles, and betrayals that made the #1 New York Times bestselling Vampire Academy series so addictive – this time in a part-vampire, part-human setting where the stakes are even higher and everyone’s out for blood.


Vampire Academy video

En jättebra fanmade Vampire Academy video. :D Innehåller spoilers!
Längtar verkligen tills vi får se den riktiga filmen!

Intervju med Richelle !

Richelle Mead har gjort en ny intervju där hon pratar mycket om Bloodlines och Vampire Academy. Kolla in den↓
Med intervjun kom det även ett nytt foto på Richelle.

Richelle Mead was kind enough to let me steal her away for a quick interview during the Romantic Times convention in Los Angeles – she even braved the gale force winds on the roof for a quick photo – and then we settled down to talk about the end of one series and the beginning of the next.

Byrt: Richelle, you’ve just come off finishing the Vampire Academy series – did it end like you thought it would? Did you always know how it was going to happen, how many books it was going to be?

Richelle Mead: Yeah, I knew from the beginning where the series was going to go, what was going to happen. I have to know that, I plan out all my series’ – there are no big plot surprises for me, I know how each book is going to end, how it’s going to move the series along.  And a lot of people like to send suggestions for how they hope it’ll end, but it’s already predetermined, I’m afraid.

Byrt: Six books – do you feel like you’ve evolved as a writer, or is your process the same every time?

Richelle Mead: Everyone evolves – anyone who doesn’t evolve isn’t doing their job as a writer. You should always – whether you know it or not – be getting better and better with each book. And I think that’s certainly the case with me. You learn more about yourself as a writer – and in a series, certainly, you learn more about the characters and the world, and I think it gets richer and richer.

Byrt: I know with actors, some actors can never watch their own performances – now that Vampire Academy is done, will you ever go back and read your own stuff? For fun?

Richelle Mead: Not after it’s released. There’s so much reading that goes into it, when you’re finishing a book – you revise it over and over, you proof it 100 times. I mean, by the time that book comes out, I’ve looked at it so many times that I really have no desire to go back and check it unless it’s a reference.

Byrt: Will you be- you’ve got a child on the way, do you think you’ll be reading your books to them someday?

Richelle Mead: Who knows. I don’t know. Maybe vampires won’t be cool with them. I don’t know.

Byrt: They’ll come back in- they’ll just be coming back in style.

Richelle Mead: Nah, they never go out of style.

Byrt: You’ve got the new series, coming out, Bloodlines – and one of the main characters is going to be Sydney, the alchemist we met in Vampire Academy. For alchemy, did you have to do a lot of research, now that you’re forcusing more on a different branch of your universe?

Richelle Mead: No, not so much – a lot of the alchemists’ world in the Vampire Academy series is my own creation, I’ve kind of invented their place and their history. It’s still useful – whenever you’re dealing with any mythology or folklore – to go and look at the actual canon. And so I have looked into actual accounts of medieval alchemy and things from that era. So it’s good to have that – we’ll see little tweaks of that – but for the most part it kind of remains my own creation.

Byrt: Is there a still a Romanian slant on the mythology of your series? Or are you evolving?

Richelle Mead: Alchemy, at least as we know it in our culture, in western culture, is more- a lot of what we’ve got has come down from Western Europe. It’s certainly a tradition that’s covered all different sorts of parts of the world, but for what I’m dealing with, I concentrated more on the medieval Western Europe part of it.

Byrt: With your series, there’s always a core romance – will that be true also of Bloodlines?

Richelle Mead: There will be multiple romances. We’re dealing with a big cast of characters, so they’ll be all sorts of intrigues here and there.

Byrt: So is it safe to say Adrian will be over Rose fairly quickly? Or…

Richelle Mead: That’s a hard thing to get over. Adrian’s got to – we’ll have to see. Stay with him and see what happens.

Byrt: As a character, Rose was so physical – Sydney it seems like will be a different kind of character. Will the story then be going in a different direction? Will there still be lots of action, or will it be more of a psychological/political-

Richelle Mead: There will still be lots of action. Sydney herself won’t be so active in it – you know, she isn’t the punching kind, she’s not out there in the fights. She’s a thinker; she’s a very cerebral character, and that’s fun in its own way – because I certainly don’t want the idea out there that the only way you can be a tough, independent person is if you’re willing to throw a punch, which is not true at all. And so I think it’s going to be a fun thing to see, that you can still have a very strong, very confident character who’s a little more on the thinking side, trying to kind of smooth things out. But there’s plenty of action characters still around, and lots of things going on – so it’s not going to be totally devoid of physicality.

Byrt: Is Sydney, would you say, over her prejudices towards vampires? Has Rose affected Sydney enough that’s she’s overcome it, or is this still something she’s going to be working on throughout Bloodlines?

Richelle Mead: Rose has certainly affected her, but Sydney’s got a lifetime of that to overcome, so you’re going to see kind of a conflicting set of emotions going on with that.

Byrt: And because it is the Romantic Times convention, I have to ask – what is your favorite romantic scene, story, couple anything.

Richelle Mead: My favorite story… I’m old school, I like Jane Austen’s Pride & Prejudice, that classic banterering kind of love – which is certainly the kind of thing I love to write. It’s one of my favs.

Byrt: Then as a fan of the book – do you like the movie or the miniseries more?

Richelle Mead: Oh no, certainly the miniseries.

Thanks again to Richelle for taking the time to chat with us!


Rose||Dimitri||Adrian: The Way He Makes You Feel

Jättebra video på Rose, Dimirti och Adrian! :P
Kapitel 5 av "En andra chans" (vår fanfic) har som ni kanske märkt blivit lite försenat, men vi jobbar på det och lägger upp kapitlet så snabbt som möjligt. :D

Nyheter från Richelle + skapandet av Rose

Det har kommit en liten nyhet från Richelle via hennes facebook sida:

Sedan så har det kommit bilder på skapandet av Rose för "Vampire Academy: A Graphic Novel":

Vad tycker ni om den "tecknade" Rose, är hon som ni hade föreställt er?

Rose & Dimitri||All The Right Moves

Tyckte att den här videon var riktigt bra gjord. Gillar Forev3rsilenc3d videosar!

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