Ikväll på TV6: Smells Like Teen Spirit
Smells Like Teen Spirit ikväll klockan 19.00 på TV6.
KsiteTV ger oss spoilers inför 3x10
1. Bonnie!Kat Graham som Bonnie kommer vara den första personen vi träffar på i avsnittet. Hon har varit borta en stor del av den första halvan av säsongen så det är trevligt att få se henne igen. Det är också trevligt att se henne i hennes plats som en av Elenas närmaste vänner och förtrogna. Tyvärr, så är hon bara med i början efter de är hon nästan inte med alls... men det är en bra början!
2. Jogging. I avsnitt går Elena ut för en joggingtur. Varför skulle hon någonsin gå ut ensam med alla de faror hon möter i Mystic Falls och överallt annars? vet hon inte bättre?
3. Hår. Antingen har jag vant mig vid Damon's hår eller har han äntligen fixat till lite av frisyrn. Damon liknar inte Joyce DeWitt fullt så mycket längre.
4. Jeremy och Tyler. De hänger äntligen ute i skogen igen, och börjar flirta på nytt, åtminstone en bra scen eller två. Matt däremot kommer känna sig utelämnade ...
5. Och på tal om Tyler ... Den andra, särskilt Elena, konfronterar honom om hans nuvarande predikament och hängivenhet till Klaus. (Tyvärr är Caroline inte där.)
6. Damon är alltid häftigt när han är irriterad. Jag har egentligen inte förklara detta, har jag? Och även Damon kommer att klaga när han gör något obehagligt, som när han hjälper andra möter han obehag. Karaktären är verkligen att bli frälst, och jag gillar det. När serien startade var det Stefan som hade rehabiliterats i en medkännande person, nu, oavsett om han gillar det eller inte, bryr sig Damon för Elena, och därför verkar nu uppmärksam vara på mycket mer än sig själv.
7. Avlastare kommer att vara glada. Vilken avlastare? CW gudarna delade tyvärr inte,med sig de,.. men jag kan säga minst tre fan-grupper får se dina favorit karaktärer interagerar. Valet av namn från Klaus listor som "Elenas nära och kära" är också särskilt intressant. Och vissa avlastare kanske vill få sina skärm-fånga programvara till hands.
8. Nya tecken. Klaus har sin hybrid som gör hans smutsiga arbete och karaktären är ganska irriterande. Den nya karaktären Dr Fell är dock en som jag hoppas se mer av. Hon spelas av Torrey Devitto av Pretty Little Liars berömmelse.
9. Hjärtskärande beslut. Minst en karaktär gör ett beslut som gäller någon annan, kanske för deras eget bästa.
10. "Ingen av oss kommer att komma ur den här staden levande."Titta på alla av Elenas släktingar som har dött hittills. Och ändå finns det säkert fortfarande några säsonger att gå.
Steven, Kat och Candice intervjuv
BTS bild på Joseph Morgan & Michael Trevino
Någon annan som längtar sjukt mycket tills femte januari?! :)
Synopsis för "Our Town"
CW har släppt synopsisen för det 11:e avsnittet av säsong tre "Our Town". Avsnittet kommer att sändas den 12/1 i USA. Markera texten för att läsa. Spoilers för er som ser i svensk takt!
BIRTHDAYS AND GOOD-BYES — Although Caroline (Candice Accola) is in no mood to celebrate her 18th birthday, Elena (Nina Dobrev), Bonnie (Kat Graham) and Matt (Zach Roerig) surprise her with a small party in an unusual location. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Stefan (Paul Wesley) disagree on the best way to handle Klaus (Joseph Morgan), and a reckless Stefan decides to test his theory by taking things to dangerous extremes. Bonnie is concerned when Elena tells her about Jeremy’s (Steven R. McQueen) new plans. At a Founder’s meeting, Alaric once again runs into Dr. Fell (guest star Torrey Devitto), who is in the middle of an argument with her ex-boyfriend, the medical examiner (guest star David Colin Smith). Tyler (Michael Trevino) refuses to go along with Klaus’ latest demand, and is surprised when Klaus seems to accept his decision.
CWs People Choice promo
Inget Vampire Diaries på fredag för svenska tittare!
Nästa avsnitt av Vampire Diaries (3x06, Smells Like Teen Spirit) kommer inte att sändas på fredag 23/12 då TV6 kommer att visa filmen The librarian istället. The Vampire Diaires kommer tillbaka igen veckan därpå med det sjätte avsnittet!
källa 1 + källa 2
Ikväll på TV6: The Reckoning
Julie Plec pratar Tyler/Carolie + Bonnies mamma
Usually around this time of year, we're counting down to the holidays. Presents! Time off of work! Parties! Other, less shallow things we pretend to care about! This year, though, we'd gladly skip the last two weeks of December if it would make January 5 come sooner. It's been a month without "The Vampire Diaries." We've suffered enough.
Zap2it has already given you the lowdown on what to expect moving forward from that perpetual Damon-Elena-Stefan love triangle. The short version? Damon and Elena get closer, while elsewhere, Stefan gets increasingly awesome.
Still, one of our favorite things about "The Vampire Diaries" is that the secondary characters are just as richly developed as the ones who show up on the billboards -- and we're just as invested in Tyler (Michael Trevino) as we are in Damon. So, of course, when we caught up with E.P. Julie Plec last week, we made sure not to only focus on the Salvatore triangle. After all, when we last saw Tyler, things weren't looking good for him, though he may have disagreed.
The final scene between Tyler and Caroline (Candice Accola) broke our hearts. He's accepted (and even welcomed) his transformation into being a hybrid, even given the fact that it essentially makes him a servant to Klaus, who has tried to kill pretty much everyone he knows. He no longer has to endure painful transitions when the moon is full, so as far as he's concerned, the worst is behind him.
He's wrong.
"Tyler and Caroline have a lot to overcome," Julie says. "Because Tyler, on his own, has a lot to overcome. It's pretty bleak, right now, and it's only going to start to get bleaker before it gets better. "
We're going to focus on that "it gets better" part and tune out all the rest.
As far as Caroline is concerned, she doesn't know that she can love someone who is controlled by someone she hates so vehemently. " I loved what Tyler said to Caroline at the end of the last episode, which was 'I can't hate this, because it's better. Because I don't have to go through that pain. Because in a way, I feel free, so fight for me, and fight for us,'" Julie reminds us. "She doesn't know if she can, so when we come back, he's not happy with her. He's not happy with anything."
Without Caroline keeping him grounded, the worst parts of Tyler start to surface -- and he begins to understand that along with all the benefits of being a hybrid come great consequences. "He's got Klaus whispering in his ear saying 'I need you to do this for me. You need to 'serve your master,'" Julie explains. "Tyler is in a very, very bad situation that almost has catastrophic consequences. It's going to take him a while to earn his way back into the good graces of our heroes, his friends, and Caroline."
Meanwhile, we'll also be getting a little deeper into Bonnie's (Kat Graham) emotional state. Yes, when we return from hiatus, Bonnie and Jeremy (Stephen R. McQueen) are still dealing with the fall-out from the ghostly infidelity issue -- albeit in very different ways.
Unfortunately, Bonnie doesn't get much time to heal. "Bonnie gave herself over to the relationship with Jeremy and it ended badly," Julie says. "She's really been struggling. When we get back from the hiatus she gets pulled right back into the witch side of business. She's been helping deal with hiding the coffins and all the other things that are going on, being the only witch in town."
As if she didn't have enough to deal with... enter her absentee mother, Abby, played by Persia White. Though Abby and Bonnie have a rocky history, Bonnie finds some solace in her mother, simply given the fact that she's not involved with the Salvatores. Yet.
"I can't give away too much in terms of the catalyst that brings them together and in terms of the mythology," Julie says. "But I'll say that emotionally, Bonnie needs a touchstone that is disconnected from this vampire life. She finds that in the mother who, as we'll learn, abandoned her a long, long time ago -- and abandoned being a witch, too. There's some great conflict there, and we're just scratching the surface right now, but I'm very excited to dig into it."
Jeremy, on the other hand, is regressing a bit. After being (understandably) traumatized by losing Anna again, he's a little lost -- and he's a little reckless. Elena and Alaric (Matt Davis) become seriously concerned about his behavior and his safety. Rightfully so, too -- because it's Jeremy who (indirectly) lands Alaric in the hospital, where he'll meet Dr. Fell (Torrey DeVitto), a love interest with some surprising connections to Mystic Falls.
We've got more scoop for you -- particularly about the new doc -- but you'll have to wait. See, we can do a cliffhanger, too! (We might need Julie to give us some lessons, though... ours aren't as good as hers.)
We don't need to remind you, but we do it anyway: January 5. 8 p.m. EST. The CW. See you there.
Synopsis för "The New Deal"
CW har äntligen släppt synopsisen för nästa avsnitt av The Vampire Diaries, "The New Deal", markera för att läsa :) Innehåller stora spoilers för er som ser i svensk takt!
De har även släppt två nya titlar för kommande avsnitt. Avsnitt 3x14 kommer att heta "Dangerous Liaisons" och avsnitt 3x15 kommer att heta "All My Children".
A REASON TO FEEL GUILTY — Stefan (Paul Wesley) has hidden the coffins containing the bodies of Klaus’ (Joseph Morgan) family, and Klaus quickly turns to violence to convince Damon (Ian Somerhalder) and Elena (Nina Dobrev) that no one will be safe until he finds Stefan and gets his family back. Tyler (Michael Trevino) continues to make the most of his new abilities as a hybrid, but he has to face the disturbing consequences of his actions as well. After a terrifying incident, Elena and Alaric (Matt Davis) grow increasingly concerned about Jeremy’s (Steven R. McQueen) attitude and, ultimately, his safety. Alaric meets the beautiful Dr. Fell (guest star Torrey Devitto, “Pretty Little Liars”), who is intrigued with his amazing ability to heal. While trying to strike a deal with Klaus, Elena delivers news that truly shocks him. Kat Graham also stars and internet personality Justine Ezarik guest stars as a bartender.
Första titten på Torrey DeVitto i VD
The Vampire Diaries Casting
Ikväll på TV6: Disturbing Behavior
Avsnitt 3x04 ikväll klockan 19.00 på TV6, missa inte!!!
The new deal - ny promo!
Vampire Diaries i TV Guide
Ikväll på TV6: The End Of The Affair
Jag som redan har sett avsnittet kan bara säga att det var otroligt bra! :D
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Ikväll på TV6: The Hybrid
The Vampire Diaries - Stakeout
Vampire Diaries på TV6
The Hybrid klockan 19.00 på TV6 den 25/11.