Two vampires -

Synopsis för "Heart Of Darkness"

CW har släppt synopsisen för Heart Of Darkness som är avsnitt 3x19. Ser ut att vara ett riktigt bra avsnitt! Markera för att läsa men tänk på spoilers!

TYLERRETURNS TO MYSTIC FALLS —Elena and Damon set off together to make sure Jeremy is safe in Denver, and to see if his special abilities can help reveal the information they need about ancient vampire bloodlines. It doesn’t take them long to learn that Jeremy has been hanging with the wrong people. Stefan and Klaus both go to brutal extremes in their search for the missing weapon. Caroline is thrilled when Tyler returns to town, but Tyler soon suspects that something has been going on between Caroline and Klaus. Matt has his hands full trying to keep Rebekah busy organizing the school’s upcoming 1920s Decade Dance.



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