Inför "The Ties That Bind" (EP312)

The Ties That Bind är avsnitt tolv av säsong 3 av The Vampire Diaries. I 3x12 kommer vi att för första gången att få träffa Bonnies mamma vilket är riktigt spännande! :)

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PERSIA WHITE GUEST STARS AS BONNIE’S MOTHER — Bonnie (Kat Graham) believes her recurring dreams about Klaus’ (Joseph Morgan) coffins will tell her how he can be killed. The dreams also lead Bonnie to a reunion with her mother, Abby (guest star Persia White, “Girlfriends”), whom Bonnie hasn’t seen for 15 years. At Abby’s remote farmhouse, Bonnie and Elena (Nina Dobrev) meet Jamie (guest star Robert Ri’chard, “One on One”), the young man Abby took in years earlier. Bonnie’s sudden appearance catches Abby off-guard, but she does her best to explain the past. Tyler (Michael Trevino) turns to an unexpected ally in his quest to regain his free will. Damon (Ian Somerhalder) is intrigued by Alaric’s (Matt Davis) new friend, Dr. Fell (guest star Torrey Devitto), and Klaus continues his bitter negotiations with Stefan (Paul Wesley) over control of the coffins containing his family members.


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