
Den nionde boken i House of night serien kommer att heta Destined och släpps någon gång under november 2011, i alla fall i USA (men böckerna brukar släppas i Sverige ganska nära det amerikanska release datumet). Så här skriver dem om boken på wikipedia. Innehåller spoilers

Destined will be released in November 2011. In Destined, the forces of Light and Dark collide as their epic struggle focuses on Tulsa's House of Night. Zoey is home where she belongs, safe with her Guardian Warrior, Stark, by her side and preparing to face off against Neferet. Kalona has released his hold on Rephaim, and, through Nyx's gift of a human form, he and Stevie Rae are finally able to be together if Rephaim can truly walk the path of the Goddess and stay free of his father's shadow.

But is Zoey really safe? Does she truly know those who are closest to her? And will love win when it is tested by the very soul of Darkness? Find out what is destined in the next thrilling chapter of the House of Night series (from the Barnes and Noble website).


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